January 12, 2021

7 Things That You Didn't Know About Logo Designing: Check Out Our Guide

We all know how important a good first impression is! This “good first impression” can be created or destroyed by the logo of your brand, as it communicates your core values, vision, mission, and purpose. 

An intelligibly-designed logo can help in building customers' trust and works as an act as a source of word-of-mouth marketing. Thus, logo-designing is one of the essential tasks that should be kept in mind while building up your brand for every firm, rather it is a small business, a start-up, or a well-established company. 

Branding is the most important part of marketing, which is done based on your brand that also includes the logo of your company. A logo is the combination of text and images which tell the idea behind your company to the consumers and potential consumers. A good logo can differentiate your company from your competitors, make it easily recognizable, and can help in building strong brand loyalty. 

The increasing awareness about the importance of logo has led to a boom in the logo-designing industry. If you want to race ahead of the pack, here are 7 amazing points that you must know you didn’t know before.

Communicates well to the target audience

The brand logo is more than just a cool symbol; it acts as a link between the firm and the targeted audience. It enables the communication of the firm's unique message. Therefore, the logo should be attractive, quirky, and memorable. 

And, to make this happen, one should keep all aspects in mind, such that the visual element, typography, color, size, etc. All these elements should communicate the firm's work, culture, ethics, vision, motive, etc.

No tacky colors, please!

Colors are one of the first things anyone notices. The studies have shown that a logo's color can improve brand recognition by 80% and can change the viewpoint of the clients. It plays a major role in adding emotional sentiments to the logo and give it meaning. 

First, the logo should be designed in black and white, and the colors should be added in the later stages. Most of the firms stick with solid colors rather than using gradients. Every color can have a different meaning, such as blue color depicts trust. So, one should consider human psychology, culture, firm's message, and context while choosing the color.

Less is more

The complexity can make your logo confusing and unattractive. The more details, the harder it will be for the clients to understand and memorize.
Overdoing the fonts, colors, effects, clipart, or any other thing can make it cluttered, overcrowded, and confusing. As we all have heard, a picture can tell 1000 different stories, but if that picture is cluttered, no one can understand a single story. Therefore, the logos should be precise, smart, and direct.

Do not rely on trends

Trends are ever-changing, and keeping up with them can be hectic and chaotic. One should play it safe by keeping the logo simple and designing it without considering the latest tricks and trends. 

The logo-designer should be aware of the trends to avoid any costs. Try to make your logo timeless, so it doesn't turn into a cliché with changing times.

Choose typography wisely

Choosing the right font, font color, size, etc., is an important as well as tricky part of the logo-designing. A different choice of typefaces can provide an entirely different personality to the logo. It should communicate the right tone of personality, or it will create miscommunication. A logo can fail just because of the poor choice of font and vice-versa. 

The typography should depict the company's aesthetic values and should be pleasing. It should be well balanced with the visual graphics, and most importantly, the name of the firm should be visible and readable.

Copying can backfire

Copying logo ideas or designs from other firms is a big NO! Researching extensively before designing any logo is important to avoid any type of plagiarism. Looking at other's logos is fine for inspiration, but copying it can lead to negative consequences. 

Some sites provide cheap ways to create logos in minimum time, which will not help. Spending an adequate amount of time on research will be beneficial in the long run.

Test it before applying

The logos should be of adequate type and size as it is used on different platforms and different backgrounds. It should be tested before launching, which can be done by checking that the logo seems the same on every platform rather be it is printed one, on mobile screens, on desktops, or on hoardings.


This is not it; there are many more things that should be considered before designing a perfect logo, which cannot be done in a single attempt. To minimize the burden, the firm should hire an amateur designer.
The investment in hiring professionals seems costly for start-ups and small businesses, but it can be helpful, and you can earn back this expense in the future by creating a vast client base.
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